
Never ever ever give up

It’s 4am exactly
My thought machine has activated again, it seems to love this time of night to take control over me. The thing is I’m wide awake, not just half asleep, I could not be any more awake than I am right now, the meds of course are doing this along with my own willingness to write. 
In some ways this is good , I get to experience what really is the sound of silence. It’s beautiful really because for me right at this very moment nothing can contaminate my thinking. It’s like a clear stream running down a mountain pure and a little bit magical.🧙‍♂️
I suppose it’s easy to say this when you havnt got to work in.a few hours time and I can recover in my own leisure during the day 😀
I’m grateful to be giving the 4am slot it’s been the time I’ve most contributed to this blog as I’m doing right now.everything needs gratitude attached to it you know. I could just as easy be laying here pissed off and frustrated because I’ve woken up early but what’s the point in me choosing that attitude, it’s only going to make me feel worse.
I’m having some thoughts not about me but about other people who have maybe just been diagnosed with cancer, that might change some thing in the way they think of it. I’ll try so here goes.🤔
Cancer has always been one of the words that’s kind of whispered in hushed tones rather than shouted out. It’s a word that just really doesnt sound nice no matter how you say it and that’s because when you hear the word you get the images in your head. Cancer images stick in the memory but that’s because of the way we individually attach the word to the image.👿
In my world right now the meaning of cancer has changed, I don’t associate it with despair negativity and no hope. I chose to label it with positive words like beatable, opportunity, gratitude, kindness, positivity, life changing, life starting, eye opening, change, possibilities, love, family love, lessons, new chances, start again, 2nd chance, lifestyle, it’s ok, 

These are the words I’m using in my mind now when that little old talking voice starts up in my head. I could easily swop it for the negative words but again I chose not to
I’m reminded of the words of a Victor Frankl a man who survived the German Concentration camps of WW2.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” I’ll be honest I had to Google that 😜
This comes from the book he wrote called Man’s search for meaning which I read a few years ago. He wrote those words after observing prisoners who we reduced to wrecks of human beings by the horrors bestowed on them by the nazis yet still chose to do acts of kindness. The body was broken but they proved that the human spirit was unbreakable against their will.
I chose my attitude , in fact I chose my attitude the moment it dawned on me that I actually have cancer and that was the moment in the hospital when my bed was wheeled into the Macmillan Cancer ward in Gillingham Medway hospital.
That was my choice not the cancers choice purely mine. It’s a choice I’m glad I took. Everyone has that choice.
Most people in the world believe their life experience is controlled from the outside, in other words what is done to them. This is simply not true, it’s how you deal with what happens to you that ultimately creates the experience and the reality. If people could just see that for what it really is.
Life has a habit of throwing us curve balls every now and then, we then have a choice of how we deal with that, many people just don’t realise that the gift of free will is inside us all.
I chose to are powerful words
I chose to give up
I chose to fight
I chose to surrender
I chose to  never give up
I chose to be positive
I chose to be negative
You can see how much power you have because you are the only living species on this planet that has this gift of choice, this freedom of mind and spirit to chose your way of being.Everything else on this planet is programmed to act a certain way, you are not.
Therefore you have to make the most of that and realise you CHOOSE how YOU deal with cancer. 
If you have been recently diagnosed with an illness, it doesn’t have to be cancer don’t immediately believe you are out of control of the situation. You are in perfect control from the inside out. 
The first thing you’ve got to do is just think differently. You can chose to think differently about anything you want, you do have that power.
Once you start thinking differently about any situation the situation changes, of this I have no diubts.
You can chose to think positively or negatively there is nothing on this earth that has the power to take that away from a human being.
You hold that power it’s innate in you.
Chose your own way to be
Never believe you have no choice it’s simply not true
There is no such thing as no hope, your hope is inspired by the next thought that you have. Don’t give up.on that thought, think it, and then think it again and again untill it becomes impossible to ignore. The universe has to step in if you think it enough.
No matter what your diagnosis is there is always hope there is always someone who will beat it and there is always the next miracle just waiting to happen.❤️

Hi, I’m Woody

Hi my name is Woody, I'm an ambulance driving instructor and last year my world was turned upside down when I found out I have Prostate Cancer-this is my story

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