Never give in

My Story so far

Hi my name is Woody and in 2021 I was told the words that no person wants to hear, I’m very sorry to tell you but I’m afraid you have Cancer. It wasn’t just Cancer it was stage four Metastatic Incurable Prostate cancer, at that moment my world stopped turning and changed in an instant. Why me? How long have i got left? Its not fair!

It took me a while to get over the bombshell and then I decided to tell my story as it happened in words and videos in the hope it would help someone else out there.

If just one person can survive this then why cant I

This was to be my mantra going forward, I decided that no matter what i would try and fight this as positively as possible. There are numerous cases of people that have one way or another survived a stage four cancer diagnosis.

Having a cancer diagnosis at first seemed like the end of the world but here i am almost two and a half years later alive and kicking. this website is my story it has surprised me just how many videos and blogs I’ve done. Anyone just starting their own cancer journey might find this helpful, I really hope it does in someway then it would have all been worthwhile.

Prostate Cancer UK walk in Battersea park

My blog the story so far

Past Blogs

Since my diagnosis of prostate cancer back in Sept 2021 I’ve been keeping a blog about my journey with stage 4 cancer.

I have tried to deal with my cancer in a positive way. I believe with all my heart that I will heal myself of this cancer. As my journey has unfolded, I’ve researched and learned so much about cancer and how people who have been staring at the precipice have somehow found something from within and healed themselves. The number of people who have healed from stage 4 cancer is in the thousands and truth nobody really knows just how many. I hope to be one of those and help others at the same time.

Nothing is impossible!

It’s ok to talk about cancer on the Driving Instructor Podcast with Terry Cook

A while ago I was given the chance to talk about my cancer on The Driving Instructor Podcast with Terry Cook. During this podcast we discuss how I discovered I have Prostate Cancer and how I’m dealing with it. You can hear how I first noticed something wasn’t right and how what was originally diagnosed as sciatica became so much more….

Talking about cancer on the instructor podcast with Terry Cook


You can also follow my journey living with prostate cancer on my YouTube channel where you will find a number of short videos that explain my thoughts and feelings fighting this illness using positivity, kindness and gratitude.

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