Early morning thoughts about thinking.
I’m lying in bed it’s 6.20am, yes I punch the air triumphantly, I’ve slept right through, this is good this starts the day off on a good foot. It’s not often I sleep through I’m afraid. You can’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep, it recharges the batteries of your mind and stops you feeling cranky.🛌💤
You can’t keep cancer thoughts at bay, you just have to let them come as they will but not investigate them don’t follow them because they will lead you down a path you don’t want to go down. Instead recognise bad thoughts for what they are just clouds passing by , if you see they can’t hurt you they can do nothing they break up and the sun comes out. If you follow them you they build into a storm , which no one needs⛈️
but you must know the storm will pass no storm can go on for ever, the sun is always there just waiting for you to let it out🌞
Thoughts come and go , let them go and another one will appear, then another will appear. Your thoughts can not control you just the same as you can not control them. Cancer thoughts are the toughest but I’m learning to ignore their negative messages I’m learning to smile at them and I’m learning I’m able to be stronger than them. ❤️