If one person beats the odds then there's hope for absolutely anyone.
Today is my last visit to the radiation therapy machine and as I write this my appointments been delayed till later for the last zap so I thought I would share some thoughts that have been circulating in my mind.
Some years ago I created a workshop, it was called the calming your anxious mind workshop and I went all over the country delivering them, I had no real idea of the impact it would have on me and on the people that attended it. The workshop taught people methods to calm an anxious mind which included meditation, mindfulness, heartmath, and visualization. But the key thing that was always positivity and underpinning positivity was kindness and gratitude.
Without it, I doubt I would be in the good place I find myself in right now in my mind. You see my mind is not my body but they both affect each other, but the one who really controls the show is the mind, the body just listens to the orders the mind gives it.
I know it gave me the ability to be able to become what has been my dream job as an emergency response ambulance instructor, I failed the first time with zero confidence, then I came back with 3 key things that have stood me well to this very second.
The 3 most powerful tools that everyone has when you know where to find them are because they all come from inside of you.
I’m going to break them down, not in order of importance because they combine as one and stand together as the most powerful force there is, so much so that they bend the universe to you.
Ok, so I’m at stage ???? In fact, does it really matter what stage it’s at, cancer it’s just a bloody number to me, I know someone personally who was at stage 4 and that was 10 years ago perhaps it would be just easier to just give in, turn the lights off and go home? I feel this is what many people do when their world gets tipped into another orbit.
I don’t believe there is any such thing as totally terminal cancer, I’ve read so many stories about miracles and sudden recoveries when all is deemed to be lost.
If just one single person in the world can make a recovery in a dire situation it means there is the possibility that another and then another can do the same and it goes on the next one can be me, you just have to believe that it’s possible.
Just approach everything with a feeling of kindness, I’ve made it a purpose for the past number of years, be as kind as you can no matter what, the thing with being kind is it rebounds, it’s a win-win situation. I’ve shared some amazing stories with people over the years by just having a kind feeling about them and they have enriched my mind, people don’t share if they don’t feel real kindness.
When you are kind you are open to empathy and gratitude and it just flows. I’ve had a feeling of kindness since my cancer diagnosis and I set out to be kind to everyone who is now involved in my journey and I mean every single person. Being kind can just be asking how someone feels, it’s that simple.
No matter what, just try to feel grateful, I’m grateful for even what’s happened to me now. I’m grateful that I’m going to have a chance. I’m grateful for absolutely everything right now, when to others it would be so easy to just turn the shutters down and go into a dark place and miss the opportunities that will come your way. I’m grateful also because of the understanding that I’ve got about the mind. Try no matter what to be grateful, I’m grateful right now that my cancer pain is under control, so I’m grateful for every single tablet I swallow and I tell them so.
So If just one person gets something out of this post then it will have done its job.❤️
So be kind be positive and be grateful no matter what and the force will flow in ways you will find hard to believe.❤️