Ok, where do I go with this? 

I’ve just been on the phone to my oncology doctor, we’ve got some good news and some not so good news she says in her wonderful Italian accent. She could be telling me I’m dying and I’ll still fall in love with her voice.
Well the MRI scan reveals no new cancer growth, if anything she said it looks better than the previous one. This is good news, this is fantastic news, the therapy must be on fire I thought.
However your latest PSA test has revealed a slight increase which is up from 4.3 to 8. I wasn’t expecting that. Ouch bugger and fuck it, apologies mum but the F word is most definitely acceptible in this case.
The PSA level is up, she explained that it could be that the cancer has become resistant to the hormone treatment or it could be a blip.
I love the word blip, it just sounds like what it means, Onomatopoeia is what that’s called. Blip can be used in so many ways, it was just a blip in form or a blip in her progress. Let’s hope it’s a blip, come on you blips I shout waving an imaginary flag with the word blip written on it.
It’s another word for a gremlin. I suppose the gremlins have been at my PSA test.
Well Woody you just to keep on being positive, blip or not the universe is on your side, it don’t care about blips or gremlins it just is ❤️
It’s a setback a bit of a downer, but you know what it’s just a number. 8 is just a number, it’s still vastly better than the 272 that it was when all this started a few months ago. 
I wonder if this rise in my PSA is anything to do with the pain I’m getting in the last few days, that would explain it. 
The doctor has now referred me to the community palliative care team, when I first heard this I was initially terrified be ause in my mind or my own understanding was that palliative care was end of life care but she assured me it wasnt just end of life care the team deal with, they also deal with pain management and other welfare so I suppose from my point of view it’s another lot of support I’m going to get from the NHS. Thank you 💙
Again whatever happens I’m going to keep positive , keep thankful that I have the care and support of the NHS and keep being kind to anyone who I meet. 💙
Yesterday an act of kindness was done to me and I know you read this blog so thank you to the very kind and lovely gentleman who came round to my house yesterday and fixed my upstairs toilet , it was great seeing you again my friend and so much appreciated. My life got a little easier because of you and you know who you are.🙏
Walking to Lapland 

Change of subject I’m walking to Lapland. Yes I’ve decided to get my fitness levels up I’m going to walk to Lapland to the Christmas village. It’s a long walk and may take a while to do it but I’m determined to do it. It’s Just 1,375,635 steps. 
I’m of course doing it as a virtual challenge and this is where I am now
Well im currently in Helsinki in Finland which is where I’m starting the virtual walk I can even see the street I’m on in Google maps it’s amazing although the view is not live so I’m not wading through snow and ice unfortunately 

I thougt it was a great idea to motivate me into fitness . I’m also planning on raising money for prostate cancer research , I think I owe to them , so once again I’ll be asking people to kindly donate to a very important cause. 🙏

I’ll say good day for now , remember blips are just blips, we all get a nasty curve ball thrown at us every now and then, you’ve just got to pick it up and throw it right back. ❤️
Hi, I’m Woody

Hi my name is Woody, I'm an ambulance driving instructor and last year my world was turned upside down when I found out I have Prostate Cancer-this is my story


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