Hot flushes all day, really strange and actually fascinating how they suddenly just come on like a hot wave that starts on the face. I’ve got used to them now but today they have been really intense.🔥It’s incredible to think what the heck is going on in my body.

The weather was great today sunny but chilly, it’s one of those days that started with a coating of frost which quickly melted away in the autumn sun.  My favourite weather, it takes me back to when I was a holiday rep and loved the clear blue sunny days in the Alps that were ice cold and incredibly azure skies.☀️🌞
I was a little nervous this morning as at 4pm I had a consultation with my doctor and discuss the next stage of treatment. 😰
I’ve got a biopsy on the 22nd not had one of those before, the leaflet about the procedure doesn’t exactly paint it in a nice way.😰
My doctor called me exactly at the prearranged time. To cut a long story short the conversation was very positive. My PSA blood test result from yesterday  totally took my breath away as she read it out.👌
My PSA level two months ago was 272 the normal healthy level should be no more than 4, the previous test after hormone treatment it had come down to 58, this showed the hormone stuff is working.
Yesterday’s result was, I feel a drum roll is needed here for full effect 🥁
The level was 4.3 , this was very good , in fact the doctor said it was brilliant. The hormone treatment is doing it’s thing.📰
The other good news is I can carry on with hormone treatment only in the future this will be stepped up to 1 tablet every day. Therefore no chemotherapy if it all goes to plan.
I wanted to climb out on to the roof top and shout it to the world, this was a fantastic outcome that showed that I’m responding very well😄
I must not get too carried away with this, there is still a long way to go, at least the prostate appears to be under control but there of course is the small matter of the cancer in my back, this is not going to heal, but can be controlled with radiotherapy when needed or zapping as I call it.⚡⚡
So a very positive consultation. I wonder if the positivity from the facebook group, my Friends and colleagues and family has made a ripple in the universe. Yes I believe that is what happened♥️
I’ve tried to remain positive throughout and gratefull for what ever has been done for me. I’ve been thanking my medication which is helping me I’ve said thank you to everything. I’m now saying a massive thanks to those wonderful hormone injections , thank you 💉
Tonight Ella and I completed day 5 of the 30 day jogg for the Samaritans , it was chilly and the air was full of smoke from fires and fireworks , as we walked around the estate we were treated to a number of firework displays. It was lovely being out there wrapped up warm and enjoying the atmosphere of bonfire night and of course rising money for the Samaritans
So good night , keep believing in yourself, trust the universe if you put your absolute faith in something it will happen. I’m now going forward more positive no matter what happens in the future, Ive said this all along, I do miracles….
Hi, I’m Woody

Hi my name is Woody, I'm an ambulance driving instructor and last year my world was turned upside down when I found out I have Prostate Cancer-this is my story

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